Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Skit for camp

Our group has been working on a skit for while we are in Russia. It is based on a skit we saw on youtube. (you can see a similar skit if you go to www.youtube.com and search for "lifehouse everything skit") The skit is coming along well and we are excited about it. Please pray that we would able to preform the skit well, but even more importantly that God would use it in the life of the Russian youth.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This is for Anna

We got your note and thought of this picture. We will see you soon!

I'm a little late in putting this up, but.....

...it's better late than never.

This was one of the obstacles that we had to do for a ropes course we went to in Twin Falls. The goal is to get everybody over the 14 foot wall. We will be putting one of this up for the youth in Tambov.

p.s. Our whole team did make it over the wall!!

Mike H's knee surgury

Mike had knee surgury on Tuesday and it went well. He is at home recovering, but will still be able to go with us to Russia. We are excited that Mike is still able to go with us.

Praise God for our support!

It has been really encouraging to see how God has made a way for us to go to Russia. We have really been blessed with the generosity of people giving to our ministry. We have raise enough money to cover the cost of our trip and also money to help send Russian youth to camp.
We leave for Tambov in two weeks and still have lots of work to do. Please pray for us and our preperations.