Just wanted to let everyone know that we made it back safely Monday morning at 2 AM. Our trip back went very smoothly and now we are adjusting to the time change. Please pray for the students who had to start school yesterday. Adjusting to a 10 hour time difference AND starting school at the same time is really hard.
I (Mike C.) also wanted to let everyone know how proud I am of the team that went to Russia. It was a blessing to see how they fit in with the camp ministry. Christ was central and the gospel went out. Praise God!
And we also wanted to thank everybody for their prayers. It was such a vital aspect to our ministry and it was greatly appreciated.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15 "For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised."
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Homeward Bound
Greetings everyone,
Just wanted to give you an update on where we are at. The campers left camp yesterday morning on bus and we left for Tambov that evening. We stayed last night in the church and today we have been able to walk around town. Tonight we will have dinner with the camp staff and we will say our goodbyes (we are not looking forward to that) and will get on the overnight train to Moscow. From what I know there were at least 4 people that repented, and one of them was the Anya that we asked you to pray for. Praise God!! It has been such an incredible thing to be a part of this ministry. I have been very encouraged as to the content of the camp. This camp pointed people towards Christ, both the campers and the staff. There are a lot of good people that God has placed in the region.
We were able to pass about Bible's Friday morning at camp and there were a lot of kids who got a Bible who never had access to one. Please pray that God would open their hearts to the truth of His Word.
Please pray for Olga. She was one of our campers who didn't repent, but she took a Bible home with her. She was encouraged to read John and Romans. Please pray that she would come to know Christ. Some of the kids came from places that did not have a church, please pray that God would make a way for them to hear His truth. One of the things that was encouraging to see is that Vadim (Pastor in Tambov and director of camp) wants each of the campers to be contacted within the next few days. The people here want to have a lasting impact on these kids and are doing everything they can to do that.
The last day (unfortunately after campers left) we were able to finish the zip line, and half of the staff was able to try it out. We built a wall for a rope course that was 13 feet tall. We were able to take around forty kids over the wall. It was incredible to see how at first they didn't think it could be done, but after they finished it they were so excited. One of the things that we have noticed is that a lot of of Russia are quick to say that things are "impossible" and give up without even trying. We hope that the experience with this wall, in some way, would challenge them to look at things differently. This wall was just one of the ways that we were able to challenge the kids and build relationships. One exciting things was to see Staus on the 13 foot wall. This is a young man who's life was changed drasticly over the last year. This kid listened very carefully and took it upon himself to make sure his team was safe. He wouldn't have done this a year ago. He give's the credit for the changes to God and we rejoice with him.
When we get back into town we will post pictures for you all and each one of us will write about our personal experience with camp and the campers. Hopefully you will be able to understand why, as we head for home, there is a large part of our heart that will always be here in Russia. We love these people dearly and pray that God would use them in a mighty way here in Russia.
In His love,
The Tambov Team
Just for Fun
Kelsey is sad to leave Russia, but is craving a hazelnut latte. (Make sure you ask Kesley about Andre's special tea made with socks)
Mike C. says "ditto" to the first part and is craving a Bacon Cheeseburger (with crunchy bacon).
Jess is craving Pepsi, Bacon Cheeseburger, and pizza.
This is what Mike C, Jess, and Kelsey think our team is craving:
Luke is craving a bubble bath.
Mike H is missing Ali (go figure) and craving "oreo salad" (you will have to ask him about it)
Amber is craving hotdogs
Nicole is craving a cucumbers and tomato salad. (She didn't get enough at camp)
Kathryn is craving anything "granola"
This is what the team claims they are craving:
Kathryn is craving a "beefy" salad.
Mike H. is craving "I don't care, probably pizza". Which translates to "I want to see Ali".
Nicole is craving ice cream.
Amber is craving pizza.
Luke is craving hotdogs. (he really did say this)
Note's to family:
Nicole's note:
I hope you had a great time at fair and that everything went well.
Kathryn's note:
"I having a great time here"
Mike H.'s note:
"Mom, my knee is doing well"
Mike C. note:
"10 hot dogs (once for breakfast) and still counting"
Kelsey's note:
"Keenan, I can't wait to see your dorm room."
"Kaylee, I am really looking forward to seeing you."
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
God is so Faithful!
Hey Everybody,
We are still doing very well. We only have two full days of camp and then the campers go home Friday morning. Please pray for the campers and our last couple of days with them. We know of one who repented and turn to Christ last night. There are others who are asking good questions, but they are afraid of their families will do. Kelsey asks for specific prayer for Olga and Anya. Please also pray for our team to finish strong. We are tired but we want to finish the camp strongly. Also pray for our translators, they have been such a blessing to us and it gets very exhausting (but they do it with great attitudes).
We were able to do our "Everything" skit tonight and it went well. We also finished our 13 foot obstacle wall and we are excited to use it tomorrow. I (Mike) have really enjoyed seeing how our group has worked together. God has been very gracious to us.
As I write this it is Tuesday night at 10:30pm and, as I said before, we have two full days of camp. Then on Friday morning the kids go home. We will help clean up camp and then Friday night we will go into Tambov and stay the night. Then we will tour the city Saturday and catch the overnight train to Moscow. Sunday morning we will get onto our plane to Atlanta, and then onto Salt Lake City. We are torn between wanting to stay with our Russian brothers and sisters and yet long for home. We are so blessed to have this experience.
In Him,
Your Tambov Team
Notes for home:
"Mom I am alive, I love you." ~ Luke
"Ditto" ~ Kathryn
"Ditto" ~ Rest of team
"Can I borrow your toothbrush, I can't find mine." ~ Kelsey
"Happy Birthday mon. I love you. I hope you have a special day" ~ Jess
"Happy Birthday Dan and Happy Anniversary Dan and Sarah" ~ Team
Carol--Mike's knee is doing really well and he is being very careful and yet very productive for the team. You would be proud of him.
We are still doing very well. We only have two full days of camp and then the campers go home Friday morning. Please pray for the campers and our last couple of days with them. We know of one who repented and turn to Christ last night. There are others who are asking good questions, but they are afraid of their families will do. Kelsey asks for specific prayer for Olga and Anya. Please also pray for our team to finish strong. We are tired but we want to finish the camp strongly. Also pray for our translators, they have been such a blessing to us and it gets very exhausting (but they do it with great attitudes).
We were able to do our "Everything" skit tonight and it went well. We also finished our 13 foot obstacle wall and we are excited to use it tomorrow. I (Mike) have really enjoyed seeing how our group has worked together. God has been very gracious to us.
As I write this it is Tuesday night at 10:30pm and, as I said before, we have two full days of camp. Then on Friday morning the kids go home. We will help clean up camp and then Friday night we will go into Tambov and stay the night. Then we will tour the city Saturday and catch the overnight train to Moscow. Sunday morning we will get onto our plane to Atlanta, and then onto Salt Lake City. We are torn between wanting to stay with our Russian brothers and sisters and yet long for home. We are so blessed to have this experience.
In Him,
Your Tambov Team
Notes for home:
"Mom I am alive, I love you." ~ Luke
"Ditto" ~ Kathryn
"Ditto" ~ Rest of team
"Can I borrow your toothbrush, I can't find mine." ~ Kelsey
"Happy Birthday mon. I love you. I hope you have a special day" ~ Jess
"Happy Birthday Dan and Happy Anniversary Dan and Sarah" ~ Team
Carol--Mike's knee is doing really well and he is being very careful and yet very productive for the team. You would be proud of him.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Greetings from Russia,
Thank you for your prayers, everybody who was sick on our team is feeling well. Please pray for Brittany Linn, she has Thyroid surgery today.
We have been able to build a "Wilson log" course (obstacle course where the kids have to take a log everywhere they go) and the kids are loving it. We took the course that last years team made and made things bigger and harder. There are now two trails up the rock on, with the second one being harder than the first. We are working on a zip-line and had the trial run today. We will have to adjust it to make things faster, but it looks like it will work well (and is safe).
The team has been able to get to know the kids in their tents better and have had opportunities to share the gospel with them. Pray for Sasha and Olga, the seem to have head knowledge of Christ but no heart knowledge. Please pray for the rest of the kids at camp, there are so many that have a really poor home life. Our hearts go out to these kids and we desire to show them the love of Christ.
As we were preparing for this trip we heard that we would be eating a lot of hot dogs, so I (Mike C.) decided to keep track. We have had hotdogs to eat.....only two times. Camp goes until the 22, so we will see how many more times we will have them.
One of our funny quotes (from Mesha one of our translators)
"What kind of animal was that?" "It was a concubine...I mean a porcupine, a porcupine!!!"
In His love,
The Tambov Team
p.s. Carol--Mike's knee is doing really well. He is being really careful and is taking good care of his knee.
Thank you for your prayers, everybody who was sick on our team is feeling well. Please pray for Brittany Linn, she has Thyroid surgery today.
We have been able to build a "Wilson log" course (obstacle course where the kids have to take a log everywhere they go) and the kids are loving it. We took the course that last years team made and made things bigger and harder. There are now two trails up the rock on, with the second one being harder than the first. We are working on a zip-line and had the trial run today. We will have to adjust it to make things faster, but it looks like it will work well (and is safe).
The team has been able to get to know the kids in their tents better and have had opportunities to share the gospel with them. Pray for Sasha and Olga, the seem to have head knowledge of Christ but no heart knowledge. Please pray for the rest of the kids at camp, there are so many that have a really poor home life. Our hearts go out to these kids and we desire to show them the love of Christ.
As we were preparing for this trip we heard that we would be eating a lot of hot dogs, so I (Mike C.) decided to keep track. We have had hotdogs to eat.....only two times. Camp goes until the 22, so we will see how many more times we will have them.
One of our funny quotes (from Mesha one of our translators)
"What kind of animal was that?" "It was a concubine...I mean a porcupine, a porcupine!!!"
In His love,
The Tambov Team
p.s. Carol--Mike's knee is doing really well. He is being really careful and is taking good care of his knee.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sorry it took so long to send to post this. I just found out how to send email. It is different than Dan did last year.
We arrived at camp safely and everything is going well. We were arrived 24 hours before kids showed up. We were welcomed very warmly and have found it easy to become part of the camp. I cannot express is words how wonderful it is to be a part of this ministry. It is amazing how easily it is to love the youth and staff.
The theme of the camp is Christ's house, and today they learned about building their house on the Rock and not the sand. We are able to understand teaching with the use of radio's and translators.
Please join us and pray for the youth and their salvation. We are able to play, laugh, and have fun with the kids, but we want to spend time talking about the gospel. Please also pray for the health of our team. Nicole was sick and slept all day yesterday. Jess was sick, but still able to help, and now my stomach is not doing well. It is nothing bad (don't worry mom's), but it does make it harder to do our work.
I am not able to send pictures, but we will put more pictures on the blog when we return.
In His Service,Tambov Team
2 Cor. 5:14-15
We arrived at camp safely and everything is going well. We were arrived 24 hours before kids showed up. We were welcomed very warmly and have found it easy to become part of the camp. I cannot express is words how wonderful it is to be a part of this ministry. It is amazing how easily it is to love the youth and staff.
The theme of the camp is Christ's house, and today they learned about building their house on the Rock and not the sand. We are able to understand teaching with the use of radio's and translators.
Please join us and pray for the youth and their salvation. We are able to play, laugh, and have fun with the kids, but we want to spend time talking about the gospel. Please also pray for the health of our team. Nicole was sick and slept all day yesterday. Jess was sick, but still able to help, and now my stomach is not doing well. It is nothing bad (don't worry mom's), but it does make it harder to do our work.
I am not able to send pictures, but we will put more pictures on the blog when we return.
In His Service,Tambov Team
2 Cor. 5:14-15
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Tour of Moscow

Hey Everybody,
We have just spent the day touring Moscow and are a little tired, but we had a really good time. We saw the building where the KGB was started (under a different name) and then we were off to Red Square. At Red Square, we were able to go inside Lenin’s tomb and see him. From Red Square we went to Christ our Savior Cathedral and they would not let three of us in because we were wearing shorts. After that, we went to Sparrow Hill (Moscow State University). We are now waiting in the hotel to be picked up to go to the train station.
With Love,
Your Tambov Team
p.s. Mike H’s knee is a little sore but he is doing really well
Kelsey says “hi mom”
Luke says “word to my bros”
“Not my guilty” ~ Sergey
“I still have nightmares about hotdogs” ~ Luke
“I did not expect it to taste like that” ~ Everybody
“This is probably something I should not eat before a drug test”~ Nicole (poppy seeds)
“How much is this?”---“600 rubles”—“How about 200?”—“That’s impossible!!” ~ Mike and Jess with Russian salesman
We have just spent the day touring Moscow and are a little tired, but we had a really good time. We saw the building where the KGB was started (under a different name) and then we were off to Red Square. At Red Square, we were able to go inside Lenin’s tomb and see him. From Red Square we went to Christ our Savior Cathedral and they would not let three of us in because we were wearing shorts. After that, we went to Sparrow Hill (Moscow State University). We are now waiting in the hotel to be picked up to go to the train station.
With Love,
Your Tambov Team
p.s. Mike H’s knee is a little sore but he is doing really well
Kelsey says “hi mom”
Luke says “word to my bros”
“Not my guilty” ~ Sergey
“I still have nightmares about hotdogs” ~ Luke
“I did not expect it to taste like that” ~ Everybody
“This is probably something I should not eat before a drug test”~ Nicole (poppy seeds)
“How much is this?”---“600 rubles”—“How about 200?”—“That’s impossible!!” ~ Mike and Jess with Russian salesman
Friday, August 8, 2008
We made it!
Shannon will be posting on our blog for us the rest of the trip, but since I had the opportunity I wanted to let everybody know that we made it just fine. We are getting ready to go have breakfast and then we will be off on a tour of Moscow.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Watch out Customs
I (Shannon) had the privilege of spending time with the Russia team before they left for Russia. It was so encouraging to see all the supplies people have donated... God blessed Mike by having a gentleman donate 24 ultimate dics, some little girls from a church back east collected socks, and there's all the craft supplies people were so generous to donate. I think they had around 3 bags of just craft supplies. God is so good and faithful!
People around here are all in high spirits! It's been encouraging to see God work in each of these people's lives and see how excited they are to serve the Russian people.
Please pray:
- They will be able to get their 13 bags through customs and they won't be lost.
- The team will adjust quickly to the time change.
- They will get some rest while traveling.
- They will have time to prepare for the kids.
- Pray for each of the kid's heart to be prepared to hear God's word.
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