We are packing up our stuff and getting ready to leave Tambov. It has been such an amazing trip!!! Thank you for all of your prayers and support!!! I will try to post again in Moscow, but don’t know for sure. Please check back later to see more pictures and stories from the trip.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15 "For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised."
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Last day of Immanuel's Child
Friday, January 8, 2010
Immanuel's Child in a town with a name I can't pronouce or spell.
Sorry for the delay!
Debbie with some of orphans.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Morshansk--Thanks Topscorer...whoever you are :)
Jon standing while everyone else is sitting...we don't know why.
Kathryn teaching caterpillar game
Four of the boys with hats and stars from Boise.
This is the whole group (kids and team).
The second orphanage was a surprise for us. We were expecting kids who were older than the first orphanage and these this were 1 1/2 to 3 years old (and a couple older than that). One look at these kids and the had our hearts. These kids were so precious and it was hard knowing that they were orphans. We played some games with beach balls (Thanks Ohio team!) and we did Simon says. After that we did a skit about Jesus being God's Christmas gift to them.
Here are some pictures from the second orphanage...
Please pray for continued ministry in these orphanages.
There were a little over 30 kids from the orphanage
Here are some kids with there gifts and hats
Everyone of these kids were as precious as this one.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Game night with Russia University Students
Last night we had a great opportunity to meet some students from Tambov State University. These girls are not Christians, but Anya (translator) and Jenni (Missionary) have been developing relationships with these girls and invited them to come meet some Americans and practice English. We had a blast playing Dutch Blitz (it’s like Nertz). Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel with these girls.
Today we are starting the Immanuel’s Child outreach. We are going to two orphanages in Morshonsk (I have not clue how to spell it). Please pray for these kids!! Pray that they would be receptive to the gospel and that we would be able to show them the love of Christ. I will post some pictures when we get back tonight.
In case your are wondering on the left side of the blog you can see the current weather and time in Tambov. It was so cold this morning getting off of the train the Mike’s head was steaming.
Kathryn and I (Mike) talked about her classes in order to distract her (the future PA) from the process. She was getting queasy….which I personally think is very funny.
Monday, January 4, 2010
We are in Tambov
Just a quick note. We made it safely to Tambov and are getting ready to eat breakfast (even though it is 10:30pm in Idaho. We will write more later.
We made it!!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Uneventful first day….just kidding :)
So we have had a very interesting trip so far. At this point in the trip we should be getting on an overnight train heading for Tambov, but instead we are at a Holiday Inn in New York. We got on our first plane for Moscow and they had a mechanical problem that they weren’t able to get the part for. So we got of the plane and the moved us to a different gate and loaded us on a plane way out in the middle of nowhere. After being on the plane for a few hours while they transferred luggage, food, water, and fuel they were ready to take off. We were fourth in line when they told us that they had another mechanical problem and we had to return to the terminal. When we returned to the terminal we were told that we would leave at 12:45 am and a half hour before we were to board they canceled the flight. After a long wait in line we were sent a hotel. We are now getting ready to go back to the airport and try again. Even with all the bumps we are doing well and our spirits are good. Please pray for our the rest of our flight and the rest of our trip (I hear that there is a big snow storm in Moscow). Hopefully when I blog again it will be from Moscow.