Tuesday, January 5, 2010


In case your are wondering on the left side of the blog you can see the current weather and time in Tambov.  It was so cold this morning getting off of the train the Mike’s head was steaming.


debbielmerica said...

Yay! Thank you Debbie! The knee looks great. Thanks for the pics. I think it's very funny, too, the queasiness that Kathryn experiences. Ask her about the story about the bunny in A&P. She's going to make a great PA!

Praying for the team A LOT!

Love you! Debbie (Kathyrn's mom...finally have my own sign in...haha)

BettyJo said...

Nicole and Team,
This is Nicole's mom Betty Jo. We have followed the blog and appreciated the postings and pictures! thank you!!!
I showed this blog to grandma and grandpa Wheeler in Price, Utah and they said it was "really neat" what you are doing. We wish you all continued safety as you travel.
Mom/Betty Jo

BettyJo said...

I have thought about you and can't wait until you get home. Sounds like you have has quite an experience! We look forward to seeing some pictures and hearing all about your trip. We are sending you and your team prayers. Come home safe and call us when you get home!
Lots of Love,
Grandma and Grandpa Wheeler
Price, Utah