In other news, Katie dominated the basketball court today. We played several games of lightning with the Russians. I think she won 5 in a row. I would like to say I wasn't playing at that time, but I was. She kept getting me out over and over and over again. It was a humbling experience and I suppose that's a good thing.
Part way through the evening meeting tonight a serious thunder storm rolled in. The rain dumped in thick sheets and the lightning was cracking close. After a few minutes, the power cut out. We actually stayed in the tent and continued on by using flashlights for another 15 minutes. Although we assumed it would be cancelled, they still wanted us to do our skit. The stormy darkness and pouring rain on the tent roof made a great backdrop to our skit that had a serious tone to it. Eventually we headed inside and finished the meeting. Afterward, we played a hilarious new game called "viking king" that we can't wait to import to America. It's the perfect game for late nights at camps in thunderstorms.
Amber, This is your cousin Jenifer. I am so excited to read the blog and see all of your adventures on this trip! We all love you very much and are so proud of the work you are doing! I am saving pictures from your blog and posting them to the family website. I hope that is OK! I hope when you return and have a chance, you will bless us with more pictures of you and post your personal experiences on our website to share with all of us. We love you and we are praying for you and all your friends! Come home safely!
Praise the Lord for the commitments...we will continue to pray that more will also come to know Him! Yeah Katie...love the pic...reminds me of your high school days!
Love you all...may God bless the rest of time there! I am sure you are making some lasting relationships!
Love you Katie and love the rest of you too!!!
Mom & Dad Elzinga
yup....thats my sister! Praise God for the two who accepted Jesus into their heart! ya! anyways...i am continually praying for you all! I hope you have a fantastic time in your last few days...god bless,
Hey...that is amazing! I haven't been checking the blogs frequently lately and I just read up and saw the great news about Dema and the other young boy who accepted Christ! God is so good! Katie, way to smoke everyone on the basketball court! I am not surprised, you athletic wiz, you! Can't wait to be able to talk to you more about the trip. I'll be praying for you all to return safely, but also for the remainder of your time with the Russian campers! Be blessed and renewed; God's strength is your strength!
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