Friday, July 30, 2010


As camp goes on we are having more and more opportunities to interact with campers. Today we ran several games that allowed us to spend some good time with small groups of campers. Dan and Nicole ran a frisbee golf course, Dirk organized paintball, Samantha helped with the climbing wall. This in addition to the crafts and all camp games we organize and lead each day. It's a challenge getting 100 Russian kids to listen to us when they can't understand us. An interpreter helps, obviously, but it's still difficult. It's like herding cats that can't even hear.
We have seen some neat fruit and opportunities. At least one young girl repented and trusted Christ as her savior after the meeting last night. Dirk has been sharing the gospel with a young man named Alex who is eager to practice his patchy English. Nicole is planning on sharing her story of coming to faith in Christ at the meeting tonight. Please pray that it would be impacting. Her story may mirror the background that many of these young people come from.
Thankfully, all of us are in good health after a week of drinking Russian water. We're starting to feel worn down from lack of sleep but are glad to be able to serve in many different ways.

I've included a few pictures...Cat herding, Dirk and Nicole on the ropes course, Samantha leading crafts.


Deb Powell said...

So thankful you are all doing well health wise and in interacting with the kids. Yay, camp nurse Nicole!! Have been praying each day for you all, espcially that you'll do okay with the heat! Thanks for keeping us updated through the Blog. Also praying many will come to repentance and accept Christ as Savior.
Please say hi to those I met last January. Dosvedana!! Deb Powell

Unknown said...

It looks like things are going wonderful for you guys. I am praying for you. Sam....I miss you!!! And same for the rest of you!!!