Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Getting Involved

The past two days have been joyful but very, very busy. We have been rising between 6:00 and 7:00 and going mostly non-stop until after midnight. Temperatures are still hovering near 100 degrees with no rest in sight. We are feeling worn out but glad for the chance to invest our time well while we are here. We know this isn't a vacation or a cultural exchange so we want to help as much as possible.

Samantha and I have been helping with the rock climbing wall built by our teams on previous trips. It is still a big hit. Nicole and Samantha tie dyed bandanas for a craft today. After the meeting at night we were invited to join with a tent of campers for snack time. As I write this I haven't checked with the girls yet, but Dirk and I had a great time. We were invited by a group of 14-15 year old girls and their counselor. We sat outside, taught them a few lines to "Lord, I lift Your name on high", and answered many, many questions about America. They were very interested in our families (thankfully I had a photo album with a few pictures - Thanks, Sarah!), churches, and houses. They also wanted to know how we became Christians, which was a neat opportunity to share the gospel with them. We also sang the song "All in all" in English, Ukrainian, and Russia - it was beautiful! I brought down the average so I tried to sing quietly but Dirk and the girls had beautiful voices. I think this will be a new nightly ritual with a different tent each night. We're really looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Jim Harris said...

Sounds like the doors are opening for connecting with the kids. Sorry to report the forecast starting Thursday is for 104, 100, 103, 104, 103, 103 then plunging down to 98 on Wednesday.
May God give you much stamina, good health and much fruit for His glory.