Monday, July 26, 2010

And The Craziness Begins

Campers showed up today. Lots of them. Last summer there were 60. This summer we planned on 80. Yesterday we heard there might be 50. As of the evening meeting tonight we had 105 campers! This is way more than expected and brings some stress for the camp coordinators but obviously it is a huge praise.

Looking at all these Russian boys and girls that we don't know and can't speak to, I wonder what their backgrounds are. Just like in America, we can't tell what pain is hidden behind a happy face. From what I do know about some kids at this camp, there are many with very difficult family situations. Many are orphans. Many have alcoholic parents. These 12 days may be the bright spot of their whole year. It may be an experience that the Lord uses to change their trajectory. Please pray that this is an impacting time for them.

Before the campers arrived we finalized the ropes course, built a frisbee golf course, and prepared some crafts. Nicole was assigned the added job of assistant camp nurse. She has been very busy this evening already with lice checks, infected fingers, and infected eyes. It's cool to see her skills being put to use here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! 105 kids?! Amazing! Praying for you guys:) Go Nicole!