We stepped off the train in Lipetsk yesterday morning at about 7:30. Waiting for us were Vadim (the main youth leader for the Tambov region), Rick (an American who has been ministering in Russia since 1993), and another Russian brother who would drive us to the camp. The camp is located about 30 minutes from town in thick, lodge pole pine type trees. There is one large building in camp that is about 40% finished. Only the first of three floors is usuable. It contains a large kitchen and dining area where we will eat, two small bathrooms, and about a dozen bedrooms. We will sleep in two of the rooms until the campers arrive. After the campers arrive on Friday we will sleep out in 10 person tents with them.
The gruff, serious dispositions of the Russian people in Moscow have been replaced by joyful, smiling faces and people who are quick to crack jokes. "Luke" means "onion" in Russian, which they find very funny. They like to tease often and it can be difficult to tell when they are joking or being serious, but we have connected very well. It only took the girls a couple hours to have a crowd of men, women, and children gathering around them and working on crafts. They were laughing and joking without a translator, melting away any apprehension Nicole, Katie, and Amber had. We are all very glad to be here and very much looking forward to the next two weeks.
As I write on Wednesday evening, a serious thunder storm is crashing outside so the whole camp is gathered together in the building. Mike just made his big entrance on the unicycle. Vadim introduced him with a "drum roll" and the whole camp is amazed. Now "Onion" is about to step on. Thankfully he purchased travel health insurance before we left. After Luke, several Russians have attempted. They did about as well as me on my first attempt. Not so good. But everyone is laughing and we are building relationships. Slava Bogu (praise God)!
We have spent the past two days building a low-ropes obstacle
course, attaching a safe anchor and climbing rope from the top of the building, preparing the craft projects, helping with camp cleaning, and brainstorming camp games. Katie already had an opportunity to share her story of coming to faith in Christ with a young man named Dyem. Dyem has helped in the kitchen at camp for several years because his friends come here, but he has not yet placed his trust in Christ. He was very interested to hear Katie's testimony though. Please pray for Dyem over the next two weeks, that we will have more opportunities to share with him and his heart would be softened.
By the way, Mike's luggage arrived today. Slava Bogu! His sky blue, 1960's style, hard sided suitcase was a little banged up, but we're very glad it's here. Thanks for your prayers. We miss you all!
The gruff, serious dispositions of the Russian people in Moscow have been replaced by joyful, smiling faces and people who are quick to crack jokes. "Luke" means "onion" in Russian, which they find very funny. They like to tease often and it can be difficult to tell when they are joking or being serious, but we have connected very well. It only took the girls a couple hours to have a crowd of men, women, and children gathering around them and working on crafts. They were laughing and joking without a translator, melting away any apprehension Nicole, Katie, and Amber had. We are all very glad to be here and very much looking forward to the next two weeks.

We have spent the past two days building a low-ropes obstacle

By the way, Mike's luggage arrived today. Slava Bogu! His sky blue, 1960's style, hard sided suitcase was a little banged up, but we're very glad it's here. Thanks for your prayers. We miss you all!
So excited to hear about what God is doing there! It's definitely not a coincidence that you have two excited climers (Luke and Mike) to work on the wall! Also, Katie, praise God that He already gave you a chance to share your testimony! That is so encouraging! You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Thanks for the blogs; it is great to have updates and know what you are all doing. The pictures are great too!
Apparently I can't spell climbers....need to go back to college....
Hi everyone,
Its great to see you got the rest of the luggage(prayer is awesome). It sounds like I would fit in well there with all the joking and teasing going on, you guys need it. Lukes' name means "onion" in Russian, thats awesome hopefully that will last forever.
Thanks for the updates and pics
Michael John Tensel
We won the championship in church softball
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