The campers arrived this afternoon so we had many finishing touches to do. Again, we rarely rested all day long. It's good though. We came to serve and God is giving us opportunities to serve. Sometimes the communication of expectations is difficult, but we are learning to be flexible and willing to change our plans when needed.

Katie, Luke, Mike, Amber, and Nicole are all assigned to tents with 5-8 campers per tent along with one or two other counselors and a translator. Please pray that they could connect well with their campers and be welcomed in as part of the "tent family" and not seen as an outsider.
Spokana noche (good night - sp?)
Remeber that you are sharing the gospel as you work for our Lord. People see "the way" in which you work! the smile, the spirit, the team work, and the fact that you travel there to do it! you will never know how you will effect the people and generations to come. We had a mission team to come to our town amost 6 years ago and peole still ask and talk about the difference they make in their life and the "way in which they worked" not so much in what they did! you sister in Christ! thank you for Representing our Lord and my savior,michelle- will continue to pray for continued energy and teamwork! P.S.--Beaware of the devel-- it is about time for his attack- when you start getting tired!
It is so very great to hear of your adventures...the DeVoe clan and Kathryno crowded around the computer to read! I (Jesse) made it home safely and contently (so Luke doesn't have to worry)! We are all praying for you! Stay strong, love you all...
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