Monday, July 23, 2007

Breakfast in Moscow

We just polished off breakfast while listening to American pop music from the 80's and 90's. There's something strange about eating hotdogs and sourcream for breakfast in a beautiful, ornate ballroom with M.C. Hammer singing "Can't Touch This" in the background. Besides the hotdogs, most of the food was very good. It was buffet style with fruit, bread, cheese, salami, yogurt, cereal, eggs, and a cooked barley dish. Everyone slept well and we are feeling adjusted to Moscow time. It's been nice to have a day in Moscow to recuperate before heading to the camp. I think we're all anxious for the "ministry" part of our trip to begin but this has been good for our bodies to have a chance to adjust. Today we'll take a tour of the city before boarding our overnight train at 10:00 p.m.

1 comment:

****** said...

thank you for sharing the taste and as well as the background senses that you are experiencing--how do they "take tea" ? praying for your team in salmon idaho. michelle